1) Review and verify you meet the term overload approval criteria listed below. If you do not meet the criteria, you may include a detailed statement explaining your situation and why your petition should still receive consideration.
2) Complete this form in its entirety. Incomplete petitions will not be processed.
3) You will be notified by ASU e-mail when the overload petition has been reviewed and processed.


All sessions overload criteria

Criteria 1

3.25 ASU cumulative GPA and at least two successful terms* of 16-18 hours at ASU OR one successful term of 16-18 hours with a 3.6 or higher term GPA. New incoming students please consult with your academic advisor. *Successful term(s) must include a minimum 3.0 term GPA in order to meet criteria.

Criteria 2

3.50 ASU cumulative GPA and at least two successful terms*of 19-21 hours at ASU. *Successful term(s) must include a minimum 3.0 term GPA in order to meet criteria.

Criteria 3

3.50 ASU cumulative GPA and at least one successful term* of 22-24 hours at ASU. *Successful term(s) must include a minimum 3.0 term GPA in order to meet criteria.

Please note:

Classes taken during a 7 ½ week session should be viewed as double the work, given the same material usually covered in 15 weeks is being condensed into half that time. These are the minimum criteria for approving an overload petition; however, additional factors may affect your application. Permission to take an overload is a privilege, not a right.
